
Mediterranean translation.

Mediterranean Solution is also focused on Mediterranean issues related to translation.
If you need to translate a text from your language to a Mediterranean Language or vice versa, please feel free to contact us and ask for a free quotation.
Our company is made by great professional translators for many years. Moreover, our director is a translator himself and during the last years had the chance to work together with other free-lancers in project related with many languages and in this way he had the chance to know experts in many languages and sectors who know collaborate with us.
In Mediterranean Solution we evaluate the person and the professionalism of our collaborators.INTERPRETING Mediterranean translation interpretation.
Nevertheless, we offer a high standard service on one hand and on the other we try to offer competitive prices too. The main secret is the low commissions we apply to our translators’ fees, way lower than a normal translation agency, as much as the power of organization and coordination which make us save a lot of time and consequently a lot of money too.
We also would like to underline Mediterranean Solution normally offer online services but at the same time we do it working on quality and not, as most of times happens, on quantity. Mediterranean translation interpretation to a great quality.
Satisfying our clients and their needs is our main goal and in order to achieve it we offer a unique and customized service, a strong and accurate customer service and we select our translators for their quality and their accuracy, and we control the work counting on a small bur really efficient group of collaborators. Mediterranean translation interpretation in a customized way!
We cover most of fields. Hereby we name some:
– Tourism
- Marketing
- Law
- Food and drink
- Wine
- Arts
- Sports
- Negotiation
- Political and Educational science
- Anthropology
– Religion
– Social education

Fees depends on volume, technicality of the text/interpretation and on delivery’s time. In general we try to offer a competitive price vs a high standard service. Mediterranean translation interpretation at a great price!
In case of translation, our prices goes from 0.035 to 0.090 euros per word.
In case of interpreting, they are between 25 and 90 euros per hour.
We guarantee a fast, efficient and professional service at a competitive price.

Contact us for a free quotation and to learn more about service and pricing. We will be happy to listen to your needs and to find the right person/solution for you.

Please note: in case of Italian and Spanish translations, our director will take care of working on it or will edit the translation before the delivery, so you will count on the maximum reliability and accuracy.


Mediterranean translation

Mediterranean Solution is also focused on Mediterranean issues related to translation.
If you need to translate a text from your language to a Mediterranean Language or viceversa, please feel free to contact us and ask for a free quotation.
Our company is made by great professional translators for many years. Moreover, our director is a translator himself and during the last years had the chance to work together with other free-lancers in project related with many languages and in this way he had the chance to know experts in many languages and sectors who know collaborate with us.
In Mediterranean Solution we evaluate the person and the professionalism of our collaborators.INTERPRETING Mediterranean translation interpretation.
Nevertheless, we offer a high standard service on one hand and on the other we try to offer competitive prices too. The main secret is the low commissions we apply to our translators’ fees, way lower than a normal translation agency, as much as the power of organization and coordination which make us save a lot of time and consequently a lot of money too.
We also would like to underline Mediterranean Solution normally offer online services but at the same time we do it working on quality and not, as most of times happens, on quantity. Mediterranean translation interpretation to a great quality.
Satisfying our clients and their needs is our main goal and in order to achieve it we offer a unique and customized service, a strong and accurate customer service and we select our translators for their quality and their accuracy, and we control the work counting on a small bur really efficient group of collaborators. Mediterranean translation interpretation in a customized way!
We cover most of fields. Hereby we name some:
– Tourism
- Marketing
- Law
- Food and drink
- Wine
- Arts
- Sports
- Negotiation
- Political and Educational science
- Anthropology
– Religione
– Social education

Fees depends on volume, technicality of the text/interpretation and on delivery’s time. In general we try to offer a competitive price vs a high standard service. Mediterranean translation interpretation at a great price!
In case of translation, our prices goes from 0.035 to 0.090 euros per word.
In case of interpreting, they are between 25 and 90 euros per hour.
We guarantee a fast, efficient and professional service at a competitive price.

Contact us for a free quotation and to learn more about service and pricing. We will be happy to listen to your needs and to find the right person/solution for you.

Please note: in case of Italian and Spanish translations, our director will take care of working on it or will edit the translation before the delivery, so you will count on the maximum reliability and accuracy.


Traducción e interpretación mediterránea

Mediterranean Solution también se encarga de cuestiones relacionadas con la traducción y la interpretación. Si necesita traducir un texto de su idioma a una lengua mediterránea o viceversa, le invitamos a que se ponga en contacto con nosotros para cualquier duda o para que le hagamos un presupuesto de forma gratuita.

Nuestra compañía está formada por grandes profesionales de la traducción. El propio director es traductor, y durante los últimos años ha tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con otros autónomos en proyectos relacionados con diversos idiomas, y de este modo ha conocido a numerosos expertos que ahora trabajan con nosotros.

En Mediterranean Solution evaluamos el carácter y la profesionalidad de nuestros colaboradores. Ofrecemos un servicio de alta calidad, buscando a la vez que sea a precios competitivos. El secreto está en las comisiones que aplicamos a las tarifas de nuestros traductores, mucho más bajas que las de cualquier empresa de traducción; a ello hay que añadir que nuestra organización y coordinación nos permiten ahorrar mucho tiempo, y en consecuencia mucho dinero también.

Nos parece importante señalar que Mediterranean Solution ofrece normalmente sus servicios online, pero lo hace preocupándose sobre todo de la calidad, y no tanto –como suele ocurrir- de la cantidad.

Satisfacer a nuestros clientes y sus necesidades es nuestro principal objetivo, y para conseguirlo ofrecemos un servicio personalizado, seleccionando cuidadosamente a nuestros traductores por su calidad y su precisión, y controlando el trabajo realizado a través de un pequeño pero eficiente grupo de colaboradores. ¡Traducción e interpretación mediterráneas y personalizada!

Cubrimos casi todos los campos. Aquí le presentamos algunos:

– Turismo – Marketing – Derecho – Comida y bebida – Enología – Artes – Deportes – Negociaciones – Ciencias políticas y de la educación – Antropología

– Religión

– Educación social


Las tarifas dependen del volumen, los tecnicismos del texto o de la interpretación y del tiempo de entrega. Intentamos siempre ofrecer el mejor servicio al mejor precio. ¡Traducciones e interpretaciones mediterráneas a precios fantásticos!

Para las traducciones, nuestros precios van de 0.035 a 0.090 euros por palabra.

Para las interpretaciones, son entre 25 y 90 euros por hora.

Garantizamos un servicio profesional, rápido y eficiente a un precio competitivo.

Contáctenos para un presupuesto gratuito y para saber más acerca de nuestro servicio y tarifas. Será un placer escuchar sus necesidades y encontrar la persona o la solución que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades.

Tenga en cuenta que, si se trata de traducciones o interpretaciones en italiano o español, será nuestro director el que se encargue de ello o el que revise el trabajo antes de su entrega, por lo que contará con la máxima fiabilidad y precisión.