Mediterranean Solution cares about the ARTS too.

Our director Fabrizio Bianchini, alias Jupiterfab, is an international muralist and works around the world on community projects and exhibitions.

In lived in Barcelona, Rotterdam and Toronto, he has collaborated with several art galleries in different countries as much as some public institutions, for instance, Court of Justice of Rotterdam and University of Toronto.In case you are interested in buying his art you can contact with us and we will be happy to give you all information you need.

2013 one day 140x90His visual works are realistic and contemporary, and their main subject is always human beings. His self-studied background and his wide observation of urban life and anthropology are represented in his works where realism is mixed with expressionism to represent in a unique and really personal way to paint, feelings and emotions of people behind normal actions.His sounds works can be documentary or sound installation, based on the concept that the hearing is an important sound in people’s life that many times is underrated in favor of sight and that can be different for kind of sounds and for decibel level from place to place.In the last years he has worked in many institutional-public projects, such as “Citizens and Justice” in the Court of Justice of Rotterdam in collaboration with Mirta de Mare gallery and the curator Javier Villa, “(RE-)placing the city: Sacralizing migrant materialities, in collaboration with Simon Coleman and Valentina Napolitano, anthropologists of University of Toronto, supported by Jackman Humanities Institute of Toronto and “Crafting Selves” in collaboration with Simon Coleman, anthropologist of University of Toronto, supported by University of Toronto and Multisphere center of Toronto.For more information you can have a look at his webpage

At the moment he is working on two main projects, one for exhibition spaces, called “In the city: from Black and White to Colour” and the other involving public art and communities called “Communities’ Human Identity”.


“In the city” is an installation of paintings and sounds. The visual works are a mirror of what surrounds us everyday. Group of people in normal city actions, reinterpreted by the artist without filters. His personal perception of people and society nowadays and of what there is behind the masks each of us wears.
The sound work is an amplification of the sound solicitation that cities impose us. The artist compresses different sounds and arranges them with different pauses, volume and spots of the exhibition space.

Visual and sound works become a unique installation, working on the concept of taking a break from our lifestyle and to reflect about how we live. The goal is to stress humanity and values vs. the situation of hyper-reality and harshness in which we live.
“Communities’ human identity” works on the idea that in a globalize word, uniqueness and diversity are still extremely important. Bianchini wants to represent that each community can have something different from the others in terms of territory, culture, rituals, people… and this diversity can be used to improve the community situation.
The artist works with sound and visual tools, creating a sound documentary and a mural and/or a group of paintings.

Every year for a period that goes from 1 to 4 months he lives in different areas of the world. During his stay, in collaborations with local artists, local associations and/or art foundations he lives with and learns about the community and its territory.
As result of it, he records sounds and makes interviews that then he uses to create a dynamic sound documentary that he can bring with him and export outside the community.

At the same time, he also works with visual art to create another proof to export of this uniqueness and that he leaves inside the territory. The main idea, where possible, is to create a permanent mural about and for the community. In case for technical/economical/bureaucratic reasons this would not be possible, he creates one or more paintings, leaving at least one as a gift for the community.

Mediterranean Solution si occupa anche di arte!!

Infatti, rappresentiamo l’artista internazionale Jupiterfab, il quale lavora su progetti pubblici su comunità e su esposizioni ed installazioni pubbliche di suoni e quadri/murales. Negli ultimi 10 anni, l’artista di origini italiane ha vissuto a Barcellona, Rotterdam e Toronto, ha collaborato con varie gallerie d’arte ed istituzioni pubbliche e private in diversi stati. Tra le tante citiamo, il palazzo di giustizia di Rotterdam e l’Università di Toronto

Brescia, Italy, 2012, 26 x 2 meters, acrylicNel caso fosse interessato a comprare la sua arte o a contribuire ad uno dei suoi progetti sociali, ci contatti e saremo lieti di aiutarla e di offrirle dei prezzi speciali.

2013 one day 140x90s

L’arte visiva di questo artista è realista e contemporanea. Il soggetto principale dei suoi studi è l’essere umano. I suoi studi principalmente autodidattici sul corpo umano e la sua ampia osservazione della vita quotidiana in ambienti urbani, unita ad uno studio antropologico spesso sfociato in collaborazioni con professionisti del settore creano un ambiente realista dove i punti di forza sono l’espressione e il modo unico di dipingere dell’artista, tra comic, realismo e disegno grafico. Le sue opere non sono alla ricerca di una perfezione tecnica, ma bensì di una comunicazione con il fruitore dell’opera. I suoi lavori scrutano oltre la maschera dei suoi personaggi e vogliono far riflettere.c

jupiterfab fabrizio bianchiniI suoi lavori sonori sono di solito installazioni sonore o documentari, basati sul concetto portante che l’udito è un senso molto importante nella vita di una persona che spesso viene sottovalutato. Il tipo ed il livello di rumore e di suono può cambiare la nostra vita.Fabrizio Bianchini JupiterfabIn the last years he has worked in many institutional-public projects, such as “Citizens and Justice” in the Court of Justice of Rotterdam in collaboration with Mirta de Mare gallery and the curator Javier Villa, “(RE-)placing the city: Sacralizing migrant materialities, in collaboration with Simon Coleman and Valentina Napolitano, anthropologists of University of Toronto, supported by Jackman Humanities Institute of Toronto and “Crafting Selves” in collaboration with Simon Coleman, anthropologist of University of Toronto, supported by University of Toronto and Multisphere center of Toronto.Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

Per maggiori informazioni può consultare la pagina web

Al momento sta lavorando su due line principali, uno per esposizioni chiamato “In the city: from Black and White to Colour” e l’altro occupandosi di arte e comunità “Communities’ Human Identity”.

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

N 2013 we 150 x 90 cm


Mediterranean Solution también está relacionado con el arte.

Nuestro director es Fabrizio Bianchini, alias Jupiterfab, un artista visual y sonoro italiano. En los últimos 8 años ha vivido entre Barcelona, Rotterdam y Toronto, y ha colaborado con galerías de arte de diversos países, así como con algunas instituciones públicas como el Tribunal de Justicia de Toronto o la Universidad de Toronto.

Brescia, Italy, 2012, 26 x 2 meters, acrylic

En caso de que esté interesado en comprar su arte no dude en contactarnos, estaremos encantados de proporcionarle toda la información que necesite.

2013 one day 140x90

Sus trabajos visuales son realistas y contemporáneos, y sus protagonistas son siempre seres humanos. Su carácter autodidacta y su capacidad de observación del entorno urbano se reflejan en sus trabajos, en los que el realismo se funde con el expresionismo, para representar, mediante un estilo único y muy personal, los sentimientos y emociones que se esconden detrás de cada acto cotidiano.

jupiterfab fabrizio bianchini

Sus trabajos sonoros pueden ser documentales o instalaciones de sonido, y están basados en la idea de que el oído es un sentido importante en nuestras vidas, pese a que en muchas ocasiones se infravalore en favor de la vista, y que puede ser variado en cuanto a tipología e intensidad según el lugar.

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

En los últimos años ha trabajado en numerosos proyectos institucionales, como “Citizens and Justice” en el Tribunal de Justicia de Rotterdam, en colaboración con la galería Mirta de Mare y el conservador Javier Villa; “(RE-)placing the city: sacralizing migrant materialities”, en colaboración con Simon Coleman y Valentina Napolitano, antropólogos de la Universidad de Toronto, y con el apoyo del Jackman Humanities Institute of Toronto; y “Crafting Selves”, en colaboración con Simon Coleman y con el apoyo de la Universidad de Toronto y el Multisphere Center of Toronto.

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

Para más información, visite la página

Actualmente, Jupiterfab está trabajando en dos proyectos principales; uno para espacios de exhibición llamado “In the city: from black and white to colour”, y el otro, relacionado con arte público y comunidades, llamado “Communities’ Human Identity”.

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

In the city” es una instalación de pinturas y sonido. Los trabajos visuales son el reflejo de lo que nos rodea a diario; grupos de gente llevando a cabo acciones cotidianas en la ciudad, reinterpretados por el artista sin ningún tipo de filtro. Es su percepción personal de las personas, de la sociedad actual y de lo que hay detrás de la máscara que todos llevamos puesta. La instalación sonora es una amplificación de los sonidos que la ciudad nos impone. El artista funde diferentes sonidos y los combina para que completen la exhibición.

Fabrizio Bianchini Jupiterfab

Los trabajos visuales y sonoros se convierten en una única instalación, y pretenden hacernos tomar un respiro y reflexionar sobre el modo en el que vivimos. El objetivo no es otro que resaltar la humanidad y los valores frente a la aspereza de nuestras vidas.

Communities’ Human Identity” hace hincapié en la idea de que, en un mundo globalizado, la singularidad y la diversidad son todavía extremadamente importantes. Bianchini pretende representar el hecho de que cada comunidad posee algo que la diferencia con respecto a las demás en cuanto a territorio, cultura, rituales, gente…, y que esas diferencias pueden aprovecharse para mejorar la situación del colectivo.

El artista utiliza asimismo herramientas visuales y de sonido, creando un documental sonoro y un mural y/o un conjunto de pinturas.

N 2013 we 150 x 90 cm

Todos los años, y durante un periodo que varía entre 1 y 4 meses, el artista se traslada a vivir en distintas partes del mundo. Durante estas estancias, y en colaboración con artistas, asociaciones y/o fundaciones artísticas locales, vive y aprende de la comunidad y su territorio. Durante dicho proceso, graba sonidos y realiza entrevistas que utiliza posteriormente para realizar dinámicos documentales sonoros que se lleva consigo y que le permiten exportar el conocimiento de la comunidad a otras zonas.


A la misma vez, trabaja en sus obras visuales para crear nuevos materiales que muestren la singularidad del grupo, y que deja a los integrantes del colectivo. En la mayoría de casos crea un mural de gran formato, pero en aquellos casos en los que por motivos económicos, técnicos y burocráticos no es posible, realiza una o más pinturas, regalando al menos una de ellas a la comunidad.